秦 一平
姓名 秦 一平
电子邮件 ftutvcxt@tmu.edu.tw
联络电话 02-27361661#3919
研究专长 从事细菌生理及细菌致病原性的研究
开课 微生物与及免疫学

职称 助理教授
任别 专任
学历 台北医学院 医学研究所 硕士 1997/07
服务机关名称 单位 职务 期间
台北医学大学 医学系微生物免疫学科 讲师 1997.08 ~ 迄今
台北医学大学 医学系微生物免疫学科 助教 1978.09 ~ 1985.04
年度 论文名称
2010 1. Chin YP, Huang WH, Hsu FL, Lin YL, Lin MH (2010).Synthesis and Evaluation of Antibacterial Activities of 5,7-Dihydroxycoumarin Derivatives. Archiv der Pharmazie.():-.
2008 2. Rong-Dih Lin, Yi-Ping Chin, wen-Chi Hou, Mei-Hsien Lee (2008).The Effedts of Antibiotics Combined with Natural polyphenols against Clinical Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Theor Appl Genet.():840-846.
2008 3. Rong-Dih Lin, Yi-Ping Chin, Mei-Hsien (2008).The Effects of Antibiotics Combined with Natural polyphenols against Cinical Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Plant Medica.(74):840-846.
2005 4. Rong-Dih Lin, Yi-Ping Chin, Mei-Hsien Lee (2005).Antimicrobial Activity of Antibiotics in Combination with Natural flavonoids against Clinical Extended-Spectrum B-Lactamase (ESBL)-producing Klebsiella pheumoniae . Phytotherapy Research . 19, 612-617.(19):612-617.
2002 4. Rong-Dih Lin, Yi-Ping Chin, Mei-Hsien Lee (2005).Antimicrobial Activity of Antibiotics in Combination with Natural flavonoids against Clinical Extended-Spectrum B-Lactamase (ESBL)-producing Klebsiella pheumoniae . Phytotherapy Research . 19, 612-617.(19):612-617.
2000 6. Yi-Ping Chin (2000).A simple method to determine urea concentration using intact Helicobacter pylori and BromoCresol Purple as a pH indicator. Biotechnology Letters.(22):1077-1079.